
4 New Year’s Resolutions For Your Home

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4 New Year’s Resolutions For Your HomeNo time is better for trying out smarter and more efficient cleaning of your house than the beginning of a year. You probably have a list of New Year resolutions for your personal life, but how about making a few resolutions for a cleaner and better organized home?

You can start stocking up the cleaning supplies immediately and work out your cleaning strategy, but the new beginning will for sure be much easier if you rely on a dependable cleaning company in Bayside.

Still, you are the one who needs to decide what to include in annual house cleaning and whether decluttering a specific area or an after-party cleaning is what you want. Keep reading to get some cleaning-related ideas for your New Year’s resolutions!

How can I clean my home better in the New Year?

Looking for a way to improve your cleaning habits in the New Year? Here are some useful ideas to get you started.

Create a cleaning plan that works for you

Good planning leads to great performance. Single out the chores that can’t be skipped on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis and stick to that plan. For example:

  • Daily. Sweep the floors, wipe down the kitchen counters, sanitize the sinks and toilet. Also, do the dishes every evening and deal with the daily clutter to avoid piles of clothes, toys or paper.
  • Weekly. Do the laundry, change the bed linen and vacuum the carpets. Dust intensively and thoroughly declutter each room. Disinfect the surfaces.
  • Monthly. It’s time to deep clean your appliances and furniture, clean the windows and dust ceiling fans and other hard to reach spots. On top of that, you can dust air vents and clean walls.

Keep track of everything related to cleaning

Here’s a list of reasons why keeping track of your cleaning tasks is a great idea for 2021:

  • It saves money. Resolve to keep track and organize cleaning supplies regularly and you will use what you have before buying more. Not to mention that you’ll avoid those frustrating moments when you’d like to sanitize your surfaces, for instance, but you’ve run out of disinfectants.
  • It has a motivating impact. It’s more likely that you will be ready to clean regularly once you see all those ticked boxes on the cleaning list. The focus shifts to what has already been completed from the tasks yet to be done. And this brings more satisfaction.
  • You always have a reminder. It may seem strange, but some people tend to forget when exactly they dusted their vents or replaced filters last. When you keep track of cleaning tasks, this simply doesn’t happen.

Save energy and money with better habits

This is a win-win situation you’re gonna love because these new habits are environmentally-friendly and make your bills shrink at the same time. Here are some ideas:

  • Switch off the lights when you leave a room.
  • Install LED bulbs and low-flow showerheads.
  • Fill up the dishwasher and washing machine before running them.
  • Adjust your computer to sleep mode when it’s not used.
  • Don’t buy storage bins until you know what exactly you’ll store in them.
  • Have a donation box near your closet.

Make cleaning a family activity

If your kids haven’t been involved in house cleaning so far, now’s the right time to change that. They are a year older, after all. Make this resolution together as a family and make sure you support each other in sticking to it.

Start with small daily tasks, such as tidying a room before you leave it or introduce a five minute tidy-up every evening before sleep. Then move on to more demanding stuff depending on your kids’ age and your spouse’s schedule. Make cleaning an enjoyable family affair whenever possible.

How can I clean my home better in the New YearHire the most dependable cleaning company in Bayside

Stick to your new year cleaning resolutions and provide the highest standard of hygiene for your home. Even better, you can treat yourself with the perks of professional house cleaning this year. The benefits are numerous: you’ll get the expert service at affordable prices, more free time and top-notch results.

Speaking of free time, the start of the year is an excellent time for a bit of area’s history revision. Head for Fort Totten Officers’ Club with your family or friends, enjoy the brisk winter air and beautiful architecture. Book with us now!



What makes Cleanmate trusted above other cleaning service providers? When you combine higher standards, smarter strategies and superior quality all in one package, the result is top notch.


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