
Cleaning Your Kitchen Countertops: A Secret Recipe

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How do you sanitize a kitchen?The kitchen is a place where family members gather every day, to share meals and stories, and enjoy each other’s company. That’s why we cherish it and want to make sure it stays immaculate. But how does one go about disinfecting kitchen countertops? That’s a good question.

The finest cleaning service in Forest Hills surely must have some worthwhile answers. Professional cleaners are well-versed in all cleaning-related topics, from simple bathroom sanitizing, to disinfecting the carpets without a steam cleaner. Want to learn how to clean wood floors? Consult the experts!

Once you’re well informed and prepared, you’ll be more productive and meticulous when tackling the cleaning of any given surface. Practice and experience produce golden results. When it comes to cleaning and disinfecting countertops, it’s important to select adequate cleaning supplies and use them appropriately.

How do you sanitize a kitchen?

Anyone who uses their kitchen regularly will tell you that keeping it clean is a never-ending job. After preparing food for the family, once everyone’s full and happy, comes the second, challenging part: the dishes need to be washed, and countertops need to be properly cleaned and sanitized.

Simply wiping the counters with a wet sponge won’t cut it, unless you want to risk salmonella, escherichia coli, or other potentially harmful organisms overstaying their welcome.

Cleaning the kitchen means removing food debris from all surfaces, including the sink, which may as well be the favorite hang-out place for microbes. You can physically remove some bacteria and viruses by washing the sink and other kitchen surfaces with dishwasher liquid and warm water. When you finish cleaning, rinse, and wipe the surfaces with a clean cloth.

However, cleaning won’t kill the remaining microbes that stick and manage to stay alive on the surfaces. This is where disinfection comes into play. Among many possible options, always choose the disinfectant that’s most suitable for the surface in question.

How do I disinfect my kitchen countertops naturally?

The environment is yet another factor to be taken into consideration when making your choice of cleaners and disinfectants. Some store-bought commercial disinfectants are better than others, because not only do they clean perfectly, but they also contain fewer chemicals, they’re non-toxic and eco-friendly.

Choosing healthier cleaning ingredients and methods wherever possible is always a good idea. A milder homemade bleach and water solution does a fine job of disinfecting your kitchen countertops. The recommended bleach to water ratio for this type of surface would be ¼ cup household bleach of 5-6% to 2 ¼ cups water.

Disinfect the countertops by spraying the solution on the surfaces and wiping them clean with a towel, after letting the disinfectant take effect for a couple of minutes. Make sure you leave everything nice and dry, either by wiping the surfaces dry or letting them air dry if the disinfectant you’re using doesn’t require rinsing.

Amazing cleaning service in Forest Hills will change your life for the better

How do I disinfect my kitchen countertops naturally?House cleaning is essential to healthy living, but we all know it can be exhausting and overwhelming sometimes. Some people tend to postpone cleaning to the last minute, even when they’re not too busy with other activities to take care of the household chores.

Cleaning doesn’t have to be a nightmare, you don’t have to dread it anymore. Swipe N Clean is here to the rescue! Let professionals take care of the daily grind, and use the extra free time to enjoy a nice family walk in Forest Park. You’ll return home happier and healthier, to find your home in pristine condition.

Swipe N Clean connects you with top-notch cleaning experts every time, so book today and take a step towards a better living.



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