
School Vs. Home: Sanitary Considerations Part 1

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There’s been a lot of discussion these days on the topic of homeschooling vs. going back to school. Everyone is wondering what considerations for schools operating during COVID-19 should be taken into account. Needless to say, the main question here is how to keep up with the sanitary demands and make sure everyone on site follows the health protection guidelines.

Another option is to keep the youngsters at home, which would, in turn, create yet another challenge: how to go about homeschooling while keeping your home spotless? Regular cleaning and disinfecting has never been more important. Yet, with everything that’s going on, many people find themselves stretched a bit too thin, having to be dedicated parents 24/7 in addition to doing business as usual. There’s no break in sight and simply no time to clean.

If you’re nodding along enthusiastically while reading this, perhaps you should consider hiring a professional maid service in Whitestone, to reduce some of the load. You have to take care of yourself first before you can take care of others. But let’s go back to discussion at hand:

Benefits of going back to schoolTop maid service in Whitestone

As any health and education expert would tell you, it’s always better for kids (even for adults) to go to school and receive lessons in person. Going to school is beneficial on many different levels: social, educational and emotional. That being said, today we find ourselves in an unorthodox situation where, as parents, we also have to consider the unimaginable possibility of our child catching (and further spreading) the virus.

Naturally, if children do end up going back to school, a set of measures needs to be implemented to ensure everyone’s safety. CDC describes the critical role of schools in allowing students to receive academic instruction, assistance and critical services, and suggests ways for communities to lend their support, so that schools can remain open during these turbulent times.

What you can do as part of community

Promote behaviors that diminish spreading of the virus, such as the following:

  • Stay at home when you’re feeling sick, or if you’ve recently had close contact with a person who shows symptoms or tested positive for COVID-19
  • Wash your hands thoroughly and often, or use a hand sanitizer
  • Cover your mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, and don’t forget to properly dispose of the tissue after using it
  • Wear a mask

What schools should doBenefits of going back to school

  • Enable students, teachers, administrators, and staff to stick to good hygiene habits by providing soap, hand sanitizer, tissues, paper towels, face masks (where possible), disinfectant wipes etc.
  • Place signs in targeted places to promote sanitary measures
  • Improve indoor air quality by ventilating often in addition to using air purifiers or air conditioning (where possible)
  • Clean and disinfect commonly touched surfaces on school premises and school buses at least once a day.

As you can see, these protective measures are pretty straightforward and easy to follow. Creating a better tomorrow starts when we all join forces and do our part.

Top maid service in Whitestone for a home in tip-top shape

We already spoke about people stretching themselves thin in light of the COVID madness. With so many tasks on a daily to-do list, even taking your bike for a spin at the Little Bay Park becomes challenging. But you could go ride a bike, bringing your kids and dog to tag along, if you would let professional maids worry about cleaning and disinfection instead.

Cleaning is super important on a regular day, let alone now. Swipe N Clean will happily assist you in improving your life, should you decide to try our services. Make sure your home is protected. Book now!


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