
4 Ways You Can Get Rid of Dust Mites

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Are dust mites harmful to humansDust mites are perhaps the most detrimental and invasive of all indoor allergens. If you could look around your home and see every single dust mite, you would probably be shocked and horrified by what you saw. So, knowing how to effectively get rid of dust mites and how to limit their spread is half the battle.

Probably the easiest way to get rid of dust and dust mites is to hire your local maid service in Auburndale to do all your regular cleaning for you.

But, if you enjoy keeping your home clean yourself, remember that keeping dust mites at bay isn’t that difficult. All it takes is a little dedication and perseverance. Likewise, keep in mind that by keeping your home clean you’re getting rid of other allergens around your house. Not to mention the positive impact that cleaning has on mental health and how cleaning can help you with depression. Read on.

Are dust mites harmful to humans?

Yes, dust mites are one of the most common indoor allergens and can cause severe allergies in some people. They feed on dead skin cells and since dead human skin accounts for the majority of house dust, a small clump of dust is like an all-you-can-eat buffet for dust mites.

Dust mites also love mattresses. They find everything they need in your bed: warmth, moisture, and a never-ending supply of food. The fact that the weight of the average mattress doubles after ten years due to dust mite infestation, shows just how much dust mites can be found around your home. And they can have a really severe impact on your health if you have a dust mite allergy.

How can you tell if you have dust mites?

Dust mites tend to concentrate in dusty areas. Typical places where you can find them are in your bedding, mattresses, upholstered furniture, carpets, etc.

While they are too small to be seen with a naked eye, the only real way to see them is with a microscope. If you can get your hands on a microscope with a 10x magnification lens, collect a few samples of dust around your house using a piece of clear tape and examine it under the microscope.

But, probably the best and easiest way to identify dust mites is by keeping tabs on your allergy of asthma symptoms. If you have asthma, dust mites can cause you to wheeze more and need more asthma medicine, especially at night, when you’re lying in a bed infested with dust mites.

How to get rid of dust mites?

While it may not be possible to eliminate dust mites entirely, the key is to minimize their number which will, in turn, reduce your allergy symptoms. Here are four ways you can take action to eliminate some of the dust mites in your home:

1. Reduce humidity

Try to keep your home below 50 percent humidity. In humid areas, air conditioning and dehumidifiers can help. On dry days, open your windows for one hour per day to help remove excess humidity.

2. Reduce the number of dust mite nesting places

Remove some of the furniture or use furniture with smooth surfaces, eliminate drapes and curtains, and cover mattresses and pillows to reduce the number of dust mites.

3. Remove carpets

Get rid of your carpets, or make sure to vacuum often using a vacuum cleaner that has a high efficiency filter.

4. Dust regularly

Incorporating dusting into your regular cleaning routine can reduce the amount of dust and dust mites, and improve the overall indoor air quality.

Reliable maid service available in Auburndale and the surrounding communitiesHow can you tell if you have dust mites

Having seasonal allergies can be a pain. You’re not safe outside, exploring Queens Botanical Garden or inside your own home. Unfortunately, tackling cleaning chores, especially dusting, can cause your allergies to flare up. But, don’t worry, we have a solution.

Swipe N Clean is a local house cleaning business that works with only the best professionals in the field to ensure that you have a clean and allergen-free home. Contact us today and leave all the cleaning to us!


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