
Here Are The Best Tips Before Moving Out of Your Apartment

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Move In Move Out Cleaning NYC

Here Are The Best Tips Before Moving Out of Your Apartment

No matter where you live, moving out can be a huge pain. It’s really hard when you live on the third floor of your apartment building and you don’t have help. But I think what’s even worse than that is not getting your deposit back because you didn’t take the time clean. Am I right? You were counting on getting that money back to help you on your new adventure. To make sure this doesn’t happen to you, we wanted to give you some quick tips that will help you clean your apartment ensuring you get your deposit back.

1. Clean The Kitchen Appliances

In an apartment, the kitchen is the first place an inspector will go to gauge the home’s cleanliness. You want to make sure it’s spic and span. Make sure to scrub the oven inside and out, clean the fridge making sure not to leave any food messes inside, make the microwave sparkle, and disinfect the countertops.

2. Clean The Windows

It’s easy to spot dirty windows from a mile away. Especially if you’re an inspector looking for things like this. Make sure you don’t forget these.

3. Clean The Walls

This is super important. You want to make sure there aren’t any holes or damage to the walls and that they are clean. If you need to grab a small can of white paint and touch them up, do so. If anything is on the walls that’s noticeable you will not be getting your deposit back.

4. Take A Final Meter Reading

Take a final reading of your meter the day you move out and inform your utility company. You don’t want to get stuck paying for utilities you didn’t use. Trust me, this happens a lot. And if it does, they won’t negotiate with you. You will have to pay it.

5.  Know Your Contract

By now you may have forgotten what’s on your lease. You probably never really read it in the first place. But you should still have a copy, and you’ll want to read that copy for any fine proof that may prohibit you from getting your rental deposit back.

6. Take Pictures When Your Finished

When you leave, the apartment should be spotless. Take pictures of the clean, empty apartment before you leave for the very last time. This will protect you from any landlords and lawsuits.

If you need help cleaning, you can always hire a professional cleaner.


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