How to Clean Your Attic Like a Pro

How to Clean Your Attic Like a Pro

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Attics are often overlooked in regular cleaning routines. They frequently become the ‘out of sight, out of mind’ storage space for rarely used items and memorabilia. However, a slick and organized attic can provide many benefits to your overall home organization and improve the overall cleanliness and efficiency of your home. Whether you’re prepping for a remodel, battling an infestation, or simply performing a thorough spring tidying up, here are some expert tips on how to tackle your attic as a professional cleaning company in College Point would.

How do you deep clean an attic?

Remember, deep cleaning your attic is a marathon, not a sprint. It might take a few days or even a weekend to complete, but the end result is worth the effort—a neat, organized space where everything is easy to find.

Prepare yourself and your tools

Due to the dusty environment and the potential for encountering pests, it’s important to wear protective clothing, including a long-sleeved shirt, long pants, a dust mask, and gloves. Gather cleaning supplies such as garbage bags, a vacuum with a HEPA filter, dusting cloths, brooms, and disinfectant.

Remove and sort contents

Start by removing all items from your attic. As you remove them, sort them into three piles: keep, donate, and trash. Be ruthless during this process. Items you haven’t used in years probably don’t need to take up space in your attic.

Dust and vacuum

Dust can accumulate rapidly in attics. Start from the top and work your way down. Begin with light fixtures and beams, then move onto windows and walls, and finally, the floor. After dusting, vacuum thoroughly to remove dust and small debris.

Inspect for pests and mold

Attics are often attractive to pests and are also a common area for mold growth due to possible leaks. Carefully inspect your attic for signs of both. If you find evidence of pests, consider hiring a pest control professional. If you notice mold, it’s essential to take proper measures to clean it or hire a professional if the infestation is extensive.

Clean the floors

Once dusting and vacuuming are complete, and you’ve dealt with any pest or mold issues, wipe your attic floor. For wooden floors, use a damp mop with a wood cleaning solution. If your attic is carpeted, you may need to hire a professional company for a thorough source-up job.

Organize and store items properly

Once the attic space is clean, turn your attention to the items you decided to keep. Clean each item before returning it to the attic. Consider using plastic bins for storage, as they protect better against dust and pests. Try to group items by category and label each bin for future reference.

Improve ventilation and lighting

Good ventilation prevents humidity buildup, discourages mold growth, and helps to keep your attic’s temperature regulated. Additionally, good lighting not only makes the attic more usable but also helps you spot any future issues like pests or leaks more quickly. If the lighting in your attic is inadequate, consider adding additional light fixtures or using portable lanterns or lamps.

Maintain regularly

Once you’ve completed the previous steps and deep cleaned your attic, maintain it by devoting some time to it on a regular basis to avoid it becoming a mess once again. Even if it’s just a quick dusting or vacuuming every few months, this will make your next deep clean much easier.

Where can I find a dependable cleaning company in College Point, Queens? How do you deep clean an attic

Whether you’re located near the Flushing Airport or on the other side of College Point, our team of experienced technicians is ready to provide a hassle-free cleaning experience that will put a smile on your face each and every time.

Our personable and motivated professionals are always there to answer any questions you may have, including how to prepare for a housekeeper visit, the necessity of keeping your home neat, and what are the major benefits of having experts spiff up your abode. Reach out to us and let us show you what makes us unique! Call us today!


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