
Disinfecting Carpets Like a Pro: Get Rid of Bacteria Once and for All

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How to disinfect floors

Carpets are magnets for dirt and bacteria, small throw rugs attracting them just as well as large area rugs or wall-to-wall carpets. Pets make things worse, as they spread contaminants, adding to the impurities you bring inside your home on shoes. This is why it’s essential to disinfect your carpets properly.

Experts in house cleaning in Forest Hills offer valuable tips on how to sanitize floors, which you can use if you don’t want to hire professional maids. Not only will you get rid of filth and grime, but you’ll protect your family’s health by eliminating potentially harmful allergens and microbes.

How do you kill bacteria in the carpet?

If your goal is to kill bacteria and allergens in carpets, make sure to include different types of cleaning in your routine. Here are some of the basic steps to keeping your carpets in tip-top shape at all times:

  1. Vacuum often. Vacuuming is the first step to maintaining a clean house. By vacuuming regularly you’ll eliminate dust and most of the dirt. Preferably, use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter, to get rid of the tiniest particles of allergens and pet dander.
  2. Clean the carpet using a steam-cleaner. Steam-cleaner does a thorough cleaning job using hot water and detergent. For best results, take care to follow the instructions that come with your machine. If applicable, try adding ¼ to ½ cup of vinegar into the cleaning mix, as vinegar’s lethal for pathogenic bacteria.
  3. Disinfect your carpets. Spray your carpet with an appropriate sanitizer for fabric to eradicate certain types of bacteria. You can target specific bacteria by choosing the suitable disinfectant approved by EPA.

How can I disinfect my carpet without a steam cleaner?

You don’t have to use a steam cleaner to deep clean your carpet. All you need is baking soda or dish soap, a brush, a clean towel and a bucket of warm water to get the party started. Here are a few handpicked, practical tips you’d do well to remember when cleaning carpets by hand:

  • Don’t skip the vacuuming. Before you start deep cleaning, make sure you vacuum the area meticulously, as this will remove dust and dirt for the most part.
  • Employ reliable natural cleaners such as baking soda. To dissolve a stain, cover it with baking soda, before spraying some soapy water on top. Let it sit for a while before you start brushing.
  • Use clean towels to absorb the excess of soapy water from the carpet. Spray the treated area with clean water, and dry it using clean towels or cloths.
  • Use water sparingly. Take care not to use too much water when scrubbing with your brush. The goal is to be able to scrub away the stain and filth without soaking the carpet and floors with water.
  • Smaller carpets can be washed in the laundromat if the manufacturer’s tag allows it. Simply vacuum well beforehand to remove any slack dirt.
  • Finish by air-drying overnight. Pro tip: if you can, take the carpet outside to dry. If that’s not an option, you can also use fans, and press down heavy towels before leaving the carpet to dry overnight. Make sure you ventilate the room well, as this will speed up the process.

Superb house cleaning in Forest Hills gets your carpets perfectly clean

Can you disinfect wood floors?

There’s no time like the present to finally get to the chores you’ve been postponing for ages. With just one call to Swipe N Clean, you can change your life for the better. It’d be our great pleasure to get you connected to the extraordinary cleaning experts in Forest Hills and wider.

Fresh air and sunlight are good for your health, so why not get some exercise at Forest Park and let professional maids take care of cleaning for you? When you return home feeling recharged, you’ll find it looking spick and span. All you need to do is book with Swipe N Clean. It’s as simple as that.


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