
The Importance of Keeping a Clean Home: Listen to What Experts Have to Say

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Humans are complex beings who can be extremely strong and utterly fragile at the same time. Health is our biggest gift, which is why we should cherish it, and take good care of ourselves, especially during these trying times. One of the basic requirements for staying healthy is maintaining a clean home. You can also take the time to learn more about sanitary considerations for operating schools and ensure your child stays safe.

Wiping your phone with alcohol as soon as you enter the house, or disinfecting other electronic devices to prevent possible spreading of viruses is all good and well, but should go hand in hand with regular home cleaning in Whitestone and improving your home’s indoor air quality. Not only will checking the air quality and taking steps to make it better improve your health, but it’ll also eliminate unpleasant odors from your lovely home.

Is it important to keep a clean house?Is it important to keep a clean house

Yes, of course keeping a clean house is important. In fact, it’s vital. Here are several reasons why:

  1. A clean home guarantees a healthy living environment, so by keeping it that way you ensure you and your family stay healthy and safe.
  2. A clean and tidy home is visually pleasing. Home like that will surely impress guests every time they visit.
  3. Regular cleaning helps your immune system put up a real fight when it comes to protecting your health by eliminating germs and viruses.
  4. Cleaning prevents asthma attacks, and stops allergies from being provoked by dust, pet dander, or mold.
  5. Cleaning improves indoor air quality by eradicating contaminants carried via dirt and dust, along with unpleasant smells.
  6. Keeping your home clean and neatly organized will prevent accidents waiting to happen. Is stuff you could trip on casually scattered throughout the house? Then it may be time to buckle up and tidy up.

How do you remove toxins from your home?

We all know toxins are extremely dangerous, often being the cause of an entire array of diseases that are not only disruptive, but can have dire consequences. To think you could be poisoned in the safety of your own home is downright scary and unimaginable.

A home should be a safe haven where you can de-stress and recharge your energy, a place where you get to relax and feel at peace. Here’s what you can do so it stays exactly that way:

Cultivate healthy home habits

To remove toxins from your home and minimize pollution, try to change your habits:

  • Make your home a no-smoking zone
  • Ventilate often
  • Use a trash can that has a lid
  • Always throw trash in a trash can
  • Only burn beeswax candles of good quality
  • Avoid using air fresheners, as they tend to contain harmful VOCs (volatile organic compounds)
  • Avoid using pesticides
  • Avoid using cleaning products that contain strong chemicals
  • Use eco-friendly cleaning products
  • Vacuum and dust regularly
  • Use an air purifier
  • Cultivate a lot of plants

How do you remove toxins from your homeExperts in home cleaning in Whitestone bring freshness to your home

Regular cleaning and healthy home habits will go a long way in ensuring your house stays fresh and clean, and your children stay safe while being homeschooled. Whether you wish to set up a regular cleaning schedule, or you’re looking for a one-time type of cleaning service, Swipe N Clean will gladly assist you.

Why not let the pros take care of cleaning, while you take the little ones out for a fun day in the sun at Kissena Park? You could skate, ride a bike, play with your kids to your heart’s content, or simply enjoy a peaceful walk.

Recharge your batteries, before you come back to a sparkling clean home. Book today!


What makes Cleanmate trusted above other cleaning service providers? When you combine higher standards, smarter strategies and superior quality all in one package, the result is top notch.


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