- 05/05/2022
- in Blog, House Cleaning, Uncategorized, Why Swipe N Clean
- by Swipe N Clean
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Most people simply give up on spring cleaning. Not because it’s hard, but because they didn’t know what to expect going in so it overwhelms them once they start. Knowing what to expect, and how long spring cleaning will last are two things that must be known before starting such a serious cleaning endeavor.
Most people don’t have the time required to complete it, so they simply hire help and that’s why Bellaire house cleaning services are always in high demand. However, if you’re ready for a challenge, then arm yourself with knowledge on how to speed things up, how to get ready for spring cleaning and how to psych yourself up before starting a cleaning project. All this will help you out tremendously. Read on if you’d like to know more about how to speed-up an annual spring clean.
There isn’t a tried and true method to speed cleaning. There isn’t one perfect recipe that works eerie single time. Like how every house is different, so are each individual’s cleaning styles and cleaning capabilities.
Some people like to vacuum more, and they are willing to spend an unreasonable amount of time on it. Some people like to dust, and will even turn on music, listen to an audiobook or watch a movie in the background while they work.
What you should take from this is that you should try to have as much fun as you can while you clean. The dirt and dust will be there no matter what, and the cleaning process will always take the same amount of time. The only thing that you get to choose is whether you want to have fun or not and try to incorporate something that you like in your cleaning routine.
Next, you might want to decide on how you want to tackle the cleaning process and how you would like to clean your house. You can segment your home into high and low priority zones. The priority zones will be the rooms that you use most often, and are therefore the dirtiest.
Another way that you can go about it is to make a list of all the rooms and choose which ones you think you should clean first. Ticking off a simple list like this, even though you might think that it doesn’t help much, actually helps you tremendously and streamlines the entire process.
A really good starting point for your very own spring cleaning checklist is to look at all of the available ones online. However, remember one thing. If some cleaning method worked for somebody else, it doesn’t mean that it’s the best method for you. Take everything with a pinch of salt, and pick and choose the advice that best suits you, and then create your own “ultimate spring cleaning guide”.
Also, it’s always a good idea to get familiarized with all of the most common cleaning agents, simply to know which ones are best for which kind of cleaning. When you get to the point where you insensitively know what you need in a current situation your cleaning speed will have increased tenfold.
Knowing how to speed clean is a skill, and like any other skill it can be learned. Depending on your free time it will require more or less time for you to perfect it.
However, if you’d rather spend a nice evening with your family at Alley Pond Environmental Center, then call Swipe N Clean. We’re a highly specialized, local business that employs only the best cleaners in the business. Our special cleaning programs for household and business alike, guarantee that any cleaning job will be perfectly carried out. So why wait, call us today and our experts will answer all of you questions.