- 08/31/2021
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- by Swipe N Clean
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Cleaning in itself is a tedious chore that everybody dreads, especially the “big two”: the so-called spring and fall cleaning. However, in actuality, house cleaning can have an extremely positive effect on some people. Even though they could hire a house cleaning company in Auburndale, some people decide to clean on their own. Whether it’s because of everyday stress or job-related problems, they may not even realise they are subconsciously helping themselves cope with everyday frustrations.
You may think of yourself as an “expert cleaner”. Knowing things like what the most common allergens are or how different allergens affect your health is great. But, have you considered the positive impact cleaning has on your mental health? Read on for everything you ought to know about why cleaning positively affects your mood!
Some people pride themselves on how clean their house is. And, rightfully so, because they put tremendous effort to achieve that. However, what people often miss, is the underlying reason as to why some people clean as much as they do.
Stress and everyday responsibilities take a toll on everyone. Having a fast-paced life, that’s filled non-stop with a constant, no matter if small, dose of stress is not healthy. That frustration, and sometimes anger, has to be vented out one way or another.
If you find yourself reaching for a vacuum or a dustpan and a broom, well, congratulations. You’re one of the people that often find solace in cleaning. This is by no means a bad thing. It’s just how your brain decides to help itself get rid of excess steam by constantly cleaning and/or disinfecting your house.
Again, this is great, if it’s kept in check. Letting your stress get a hold of you easily at every turn, and allowing your need to outweigh things that you want to do in your free time, is extremely bad. Try to relax and find a balance between cleaning, being social, and doing things you like to do as your hobby.
Well, it depends. At the same time, it does and it doesn’t, depending on which people you ask. It definitely can help, but that doesn’t guarantee that it will work for every single person.
For some people, it might be a good thing. Maybe they don’t clean regularly, and this simple change can have a very positive impact. The ones that clean when they are stressed out almost always benefit from the act of cleaning. It offers them some sort of relief, be it by releasing excess steam or simply having a positive effect on their mental state.
Some people, however, might not experience as much of a positive impact. Even if you’re a compulsive cleaner, cleaning in itself might be causing you more harm than good. It may not benefit you, even though it’s helped in the past. Either its ability to help you has reduced, or you never benefited from it in the first place. Also, pretending that it helps you can be a huge stress-builder. Doing something that you don’t want to do, simply because you think it will be good for you, may turn out to have the complete opposite effect.
So, before you decide whether or not cleaning helps you, ask yourself two simple questions: “Why do I clean?” and “How do I feel each time after cleaning?”. If you find that the answer to both questions is positive, then congratulations! Cleaning does and can help you with depression.
Do you feel like it’s a perfect time for a fun trip with your kids down to the Queens Zoo? Would you like to have just one extra day of free time?
Call Swipe N Clean! We’re a local business that works with some of the most skilled professionals in the business. Contact us today and make all your cleaning problems a thing of the past!