
How to Successfully Eliminate Foul House Smells: Bring the Freshness Back into Your Home

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Why does my house smell?Don’t you find it just terrible when your home has a peculiar, unpleasant odor? Nobody likes that. A neat home that smells fresh and clean surely is everyone’s dream. If you’re wondering how to make your home smell nicely, read on, as we’re about to dive deep.

Naturally, the basis for ensuring freshness is a clean, well maintained home. If you want to clean quickly and smoothly, a fine maid service in Long Island City can be of great assistance. Cleaning experts can help you decide what cleaning schedule you should keep, find the most suitable techniques and cleaning products for every type of cleaning, and even recommend the best method for disinfecting your phone during COVID-19.

But let’s go back to figuring out what brings about the foul house smell and how to get rid of it.

Why does my house smell?

Some of the unpleasant smells in a home originate from cooking, or may be related to keeping pets. However, if you happen to notice a different smell, your house may have a serious issue that requires immediate resolving.

Here are some of the usual causes of strange house odors:

  • A musty smell due to the presence of mold
  • A rotten egg smell indicating a gas leak or a plumbing issue
  • Chemicals or pesticides
  • Sewer vents due to rising of sewer gases through the plumbing
  • Electrical issues that cause a fishy smell

Some of these issues are quite dangerous, so in order to avoid putting your family at risk, urgent measures should be taken as soon as you smell something’s off. Once the core problem is treated, you’ll be able to breathe again without wrinkling your nose.

How do I get rid of a bad smell in my house?

Getting rid of bad smells in your house is quite simple if you follow these tips:

  1. Keep a clean home using appropriate (and where possible natural and eco-friendly) cleaning products and tools
  2. Avoid using harsh chemicals and make sure never to mix certain household cleaners such as bleach and ammonia, as the result may be fatal
  3. Use baking soda to neutralize bad smells coming from your carpets, upholstery, or house appliances (pretty useful for eliminating those strange smells coming from your fridge)
  4. Use an air purifier to improve your indoor air quality, in addition to frequently airing out your house
  5. Remember to occasionally air out your shoes, slippers, and other house items which ordinarily acquire bad odors

How can I make my house smell nice?

After successfully saying goodbye to those horrible house odors, it’s time to refresh the air in your home. Can your home smell divine without using those artificial and potentially harmful air fresheners, you ask? Sure it can. All you need to do is play with some essential oils and water to create your own natural air freshener.

Essential oils are a great ingredient to use for making an air freshener, as they not only smell nice, but they also act as disinfectants, due to their antibacterial properties. Pick out your favorite, mix it with water, and voila: your home will smell perfectly.

Superb maid service in Long Island City for a fresh and sparkling clean home

How do I get rid of a bad smell in my house?Black River Trail is waiting for you and your family to try it out. A nice outdoor walk does everyone a world of good, so why not take advantage of the sunny September days to reconnect with nature and do a little exercise?

Swipe N Clean is here as always to support you as best we can: give us a call, and we’ll match you with top-notch cleaning experts, who’ll make your home shine in no time.

You won’t have to worry about cleaning ever again. Book now and enjoy your extra spare time!


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