
Your Guide to Spring Cleaning 

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Guide-to-Spring-CleaningThe temperature is getting higher, and the days are getting longer – spring is right around the corner. Therefore, it’s time to think about this year’s spring cleaning strategy and how to tackle it with ease.

It’s not always easy organizing a thorough spring clean and simultaneously handling all work-related and family obligations. It’s no wonder that so many people rely on maid service in Bellaire, simply because they don’t have enough time. However, if you have the motivation to do it yourself, and properly plan everything ahead of time, it will be over in a flash. Of course, it won’t hurt if you learn a few tips and tricks before your start, just to make the whole endeavor a bit easier. Read on!

What is included in a spring cleaning?

1. Decluttering

Before you even start to think about beginning with the great endeavor that is spring cleaning, the most important thing to do is to declutter your entire home.

Just like how spring cleaning requires you to thoroughly clean every inch of your home, decluttering entails that every unnecessary or misplaced item needs to find its proper place, or you should get rid of it. Old clothes that you haven’t worn in almost a year, broken kids’ toys, and unnecessary kitchen utensils are just a few items that should be considered when you start the decluttering process.

2. Wash all your clothes

Wash everything that you own. That includes the current season’s clothes, as well as summer clothes that have been sitting in a corner of your closet since last year.

While the clothes are drying or are in the washing machine, you can thoroughly clean the inside of your closets. While they’re empty, they are going to be lighter, so you might even be able to move them to clean behind and underneath them.

3. Clean your appliances

Kitchen appliances, especially your fridge, freezer, and smaller kitchen-top appliances are the ones that are the dirtiest in your house. Occasional moisture and steam that spreads throughout your kitchen when you cook or bake, as well as the oils from food that you’re preparing, quickly find their way to every nook and cranny in your kitchen.

It can be a challenge getting to clean everything perfectly, since it would require you to move a lot of stuff around just to reach the more difficult areas, like behind your fridge or your washing machine. Nonetheless, they are worth every second of the effort. Completely cleaning your kitchen and making it dust-free will make you not only feel better about the excellent work that you’ve done but make your home an allergen-free environment. This is essential if anyone suffers from severe allergies in your household.

4. Make a checklist and  preparations

Like with any other job, creating a checklist is the first thing that you should do. Create a list of all the things that you’d like to achieve. Keep it simple, detailed and, most importantly, realistic. Take into consideration the time it will take you to do it, and the amount of free time you have on your hands, and create a plan that perfectly fits your daily schedule.

Since you’ve already decluttered your home, the only thing that you really need to consider is what cleaning supplies and products you’ll need for the job.

What-is-included-in-a-spring-cleaningLooking for the most thorough maid service in Bellaire? Look no further!

Having a pristine looking home is not something that you should just long for, it’s something that you should achieve, right now!

Contact Swipe N Clean and we’ll handle all your cleaning requests in a flash. Relax in the nearby Cunningham Park, while we take care of the rest. Contact us now and find out why we’re so highly praised!


What makes Cleanmate trusted above other cleaning service providers? When you combine higher standards, smarter strategies and superior quality all in one package, the result is top notch.


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